Getting Hook'd… a girl's tale of sex and coffee

I’m all better and a lovely new(ish) fr! April 14, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laura MacKenzie of London @ 2:11 pm
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I’m sure you’ll all be glad that my leg finally seems to be healed properly – even after a couple more mishaps with it at the weekend.

My laptop on the other hand doesn’t love me as much and has been on the blink again for a while – very irritating! So when I thought I had my phone stolen (or not, a friend of mine borrowed it at a house party and put it back in the wrong handbag), I nearly died! Not to worry, we have figured out what’s wrong with it, I just need to find the disk to fix it and I’ll be back online and paying attention to you all again. 🙂

Anyway, I’ll leave you with a lovely newish report, intact I think it’s my first nuru massage one, so you now all know it’s not so bad.
